Friday, December 27 | St John the Evangelist
The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, King of Apostles, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 21, 147.12-end
Ex. 33.12-23
Benedicite, omnia opera Domini, pg. 47
1 John 2.1-11*
Ben. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, alleluia.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 97
Isa. 6.1-8*
Mag. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, alleluia.
1 John 5.1-12*
Saturday, December 28 | Holy Innocents
The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church, unless otherwise noted.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The infant Christ who to the Innocents awarded the Martyrs’ crown; O come, let us worship.
Psalms 36, 146
Baruch 4.21-27*
Benedicite, omnia opera Domini, pg. 47
Matthew 18.1-10*
Ben. The Innocents were slain on Christ’s behalf, babes at the breast were murdered by an evil king, yet these same sinless ones now follow the Lamb, saying without end, Glory be to thee, O Lord.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 19-20
Jonah 1*
Mag. Blessed is the womb of the Virgin Mary, which bore the Son of the everlasting Father; and blessed is the breast which fed Christ the Lord.
Colossians 1.1-14*
Sunday, December 29 | Christmas I
7.00 Morning Prayer
Inv. venite Christ the Son of God, who made himself subject to Mary and Joseph, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 139-140
Isa. 62:6-7, 10-12
Ben. Let the example of the Holy Family, O Lord, enlighten us, and guide thou our feet into the way of peace.
7.30 Mass
9.00 Mass
11.00 Solemn Mass
17.00 Evening Prayer and Benediction
Psalms 141-143
Heb. 2:10-18
Mag. The King of Heaven was made man of the Virgin, he came to recall all mankind to his heavenly kingdom.
Matt. 1:18-25
Monday, December 30 | Within the Octave
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Unto us a child is born, Christ the Lord, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 144-146
Isa. 25:1-9
Ben. When the Lord was , the choirs of Angels sang, ‘Salvation to our God, which sitteth upon the Throne, and unto the Lamb.’
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 147-150
Rev. 1:9-20
Mag. We glorify thee, O Mother of God, for Christ became Man of thee, protect from harm all those who sing thy praises.
John 7:53--8:11
Tuesday, December 31 | Within the Octave
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Unto us a child is born, Christ the Lord, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 144-146
Isa. 26:1-9
Ben. Suddenly there was with the Angel a multitude of the heavenly host, praising God and saying, ‘Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill towards men,’ alleluia.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 147-150
Isa. 65:15b-25
Mag. God, for his great love wherewith he loved us, hath sent his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, alleluia.
Rev. 21:1-6
Wednesday, January 1 | Holy Name
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Unto us a child is born, Christ the Lord, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 103
Gen. 17:1-12a, 15-16
Ben. A great and wondrous mystery is made known to us this day, in a new manner are natures united, for God is become incarnate: what he was, he still abode; and what he was not, he took unto himself, suffering in his Person neither confusion nor division.
9.00 Mass
12.00 Mass, Chapel
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 148
Col. 2:6-12
Mag. Heirs are we of a great mystery; the womb of her that knew not man in become the temple of the Godhead; he, of a Virgin incarnate, suffereth no defilement; all the nations shall gather, saying, Glory be to thee, O Lord.
John 16:23b-30
17.00 Rosary
Thursday, January 2 | Feria
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Unto us a child is born, Christ the Lord, O come, let us worship.
Psalm 9-11
Gen. 12:1-7
Ben. Christ lay in the manger, and yet shone in heaven, he came unto us, and yet remained with the Father.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 12-14
Heb. 11:1-12
Mag. O blessed infancy! Through thee, O Christ the life of all mankind is made new, thou camest forth from the womb as a bridegroom out of his chamber.
John 6:35-41, 48-51
Friday, January 3 | Feria
The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Unto us a child is born, Christ the Lord, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 15-17
Gen. 28:10-22
Ben. The Word was made flesh and dwelt among us and we beheld his glory, alleluia.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 18
Heb. 11:13-22
Mag. We will rejoice and be glad in the Lord, for the eternal salvation hath appeared unto us, alleluia
John 10:7-17
Saturday, January 4 | Feria
The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church, unless otherwise noted.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Unto us a child is born, Christ the Lord, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 19-21
Exod. 3:1-12
Ben. Christ our God, in whom dwelleth all the fullness of the Divinity did take upon himself our frailty, and was made man, alleluia.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 22-23
Heb. 11:23-31
Mag. I proceeded forth and came from God, neither came I of myself, but he sent me.
John 14:6-14
Thursday, December 26 | St Stephen
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The infant Christ, who awarded the crown to blessed Stephen, O come, let us worship.
Psalm 13, 31.1-9, 150
Jer. 26.12-15*
Benedicite, omnia opera Domini, pg. 47
Acts 6*
Ben. The gates of heaven were opened to Stephen who was first to receive the Martyrs’ crown.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 57, 86
Genesis 4.1-10
Mag. The gates of heaven were opened to Stephen who was first to receive the Martyrs’ crown.
Matthew 23.34-39*
Wednesday, Nativity of Our Lord
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Unto us a child is born, Christ the Lord, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 119.33-72
Zech. 2:10-13
Ben. Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace, goodwill towards men, alleluia.
10.00 Solemn Mass
12.00 Mass, Chapel
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 119.73-104
1 John 4:7-16
Mag. Today the Christ is born; today hath a Savior appeared; today on earth Angels are singing, Archangels are rejoicing; today the righteous exult and say, Glory to Go in the highest, alleluia.
John 3:31-36
17.00 Rosary
Tuesday, December 24 | Eve of the Nativity
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Today ye shall know that the Lord will come and in the morning ye shall see his glory.
Psalms 116-118
Isa. 35:1-10
Ben. The hour is nigh for the Virgin Mary to bring forth her firstborn Son.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 119.1-32
Isa. 59:15b-21
Mag. When the sun is risen, ye shall see the King of kings who proceedeth from the Father as a bridegroom out of his chamber.
Phil. 2:5-11
17.00 Mass
23.00 Solemn Mass
Monday, December 23 | O Emmanuel
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, who nigh is at hand, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 110-113
Isa. 11:1-9
Ben. Behold, all things are fulfilled which were spoken by the Angel of the Virgin Mary.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 114-115
Rev. 20:1-10
Mag. O Emmanuel, our King and Lawgiver, the desire of all nations and their Salvation, Come and save us, O Lord our God.
John 5:30-47
Sunday, December 22 | Advent IV
7.00 Morning Prayer
Inv. venite The Lord, who nigh is at hand, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 107
Isa. 42:1-12
Ben. As soon as teh voice of thy supplication sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy, alleluia.
7.30 Mass
9.00 Mass
11.00 Solemn Mass
17.00 Evening Prayer and Benediction
Psalms 108-109
Eph. 6:10-20
Mag. O King of the Nations, and their desire; the Cornerstone who makest both one, Come and save mankind, whom thou formedst of clay.
John 3:16-21
Saturday, December 21 | Thomas
The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church, unless otherwise noted.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, who nigh is at hand, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 105
Isa. 10:20-27
Ben. Be not afraid, for upon the fifth day, our Lord shall come unto you.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 106
Jude 17-25
Mag. O Dayspring, Brightness of Light Everlasting, and Sun of Righteousness: Come and enlighten them that sit in darkness and the shadow of death.
Luke 3:1-9
Friday, December 20 | O Clavis David
The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, who nigh is at hand, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 102-103
Isa. 10:5-19
Ben. The Angel Gabriel was sent to Mary, a Virgin espoused to Joseph.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 104
2 Pet. 2:17-22
Mag. O Key of David, and Sceptre of the House of Israel; that openest and no man shutteth, and shuttest and no man openeth: Come and bring the prisoners out of the prison-house, them that sit in darkness and the shadow of death.
Matt. 11:2-15
Thursday, December 19 | O Radix Jesse
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, who nigh is at hand, O come, let us worship.
Psalm 96-97
Isa. 9:18--10:4
Ben. The Savior of the world shall arise as the sun upon a darkened world and shall come down into the Virgin’s womb as the show’rs upon the grass.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 98-101
2 Pet. 2:10b-16
Mag. O Root of Jesse which standest for an ensign of the people, at whom kings shall shut their mouths, to whom Gentiles shall seek: Come and deliver us, and tarry not.
Matt. 3:1-12
Wednesday, December 18 | O Adonai
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, who nigh is at hand, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 90-92
Isa. 9:8-17
Ben. Awake, awake, put on strength, O thou mighty arm of the Lord, awake as in the ancient days.
9.00 Mass
12.00 Mass, Chapel
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 93-94
2 Pet. 2:1-10a
Mag. O Adonai, and Leader of the house of Israel, who appearedst in the Bush to Moses in a flame of fire, and gavest him the Law in Sinai: Come and redeem us with an outstretched arm.
Mark 1:1-8
17.00 Rosary
Tuesday, December 17 | O Sapientia
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, who nigh is at hand, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 86-88
Isa. 9:1-7
Ben. Thou, Bethlehem in the land of Judah, are not least among the princes of Judah, for out of thee shall come a Governor that shall rule my people Israel.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 89
2 Pet. 1:12-21
Mag. O Wisdom, which camest out of the mouth of the Most High, and reachest from one end to another, mightily and sweetly ordering all things: Come, and teach us the way of prudence.
Luke 22:54-69
Monday, December 16 | Feria
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, the King who is to come, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 79-81
Isa. 8:16--9:1
Ben. From heaven there cometh the Lord the Ruler, and in his hand are honor and dominion.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 82-85
2 Pet. 1:1-11
Mag. All generations shall call me blessed, for God hath regarded the lowliness of his handmaiden.
Luke 22:39-53
Sunday, December 15 | Gaudete
7.00 Morning Prayer
Inv. venite The Lord, the King who is to come, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 75-77
Isa. 13:6-13
Ben. Now when John had heard in prison the works of Christ, he sent two of his disciples, and asked him, saying ‘Art thou he that should come, or look we for another?’
7.30 Mass
9.00 Mass
11.00 Solemn Mass
17.00 Evensong
Psalms 78
Heb. 12:18-29
Mag. Art thou he that should come or look we for another? Tell John the things which we have seen, the blind receive their sight, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the Gospel preached unto them, alleluia.
John 3:22-30
Saturday, December 14 | John of the Cross
The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church, unless otherwise noted.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, the fount of wisdom, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 71-72
Isa. 8:1-15
Ben. The learned will shine with the splendor of the firmament; and those who have instructed the multitude in justice will gleam like the stars for ever and ever.
6.00 Rorate Caeli Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 73-74
2 Thess. 3:6-18
Mag. Come, O Lord, and visit us in peace, that we may rejoice before thee in tranquility of heart.
Luke 22:31-38
Friday, December 13 | Lucy
The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, the King of Martyrs, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 68
Isa. 7:10-25
Ben. Blessed be that Virgin who, denying herself and taking up her Cross, hath emulated the Lord, for he is the Spouse of the Virgins and the Prince of Martyrs.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 69-70
2 Thess. 2:13--3:5
Mag. In one victim we celebrate the twin crowns of purity and piety, for she both retained her virginity and won her martyrdom.
Luke 22:14-30
Thursday, December 12 | Our Lady of Guadalupe
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Celebrating the memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, let us be joyful in the Lord.
Psalm 63-64
Isa. 7:1-9
Ben. The Gate of Paradise, closed to all by Eve hath been reopened by the Virgin Mary.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 65-67
2 Thess. 2:1-12
Mag. Blessed art thou, O Mary, for thou hast believed those things shall be performed in thee, which were told thee by the Lord.
Luke 22:1-13
Wednesday, December 11 | Feria
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, the King who is to come, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 56-58
Isa. 6:1-13
Ben. Upon the throne of David, and over his kingdom, shall he reign from henceforth even for ever, alleluia.
9.00 Mass
12.00 Mass, Chapel
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 59-61
2 Thess. 1:1-12
Mag. Sion, thou shalt be renewed, and shalt see the Righteous One, for he is soon to come unto thee.
John 7:53--8:11
17.00 Rosary
Tuesday, December 10 | Feria
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, the King who is to come, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 50-52
Isa. 5:13-17, 24-25
Ben. Sing and rejoice, O daughter of Sion, for, lo, I come, and I will dwell in the midst of thee, saith the Lord.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 53-55
1 Thess. 5:12-28
Mag. The voice of one crying in the wilderness; Prepare ye the way of the Lord; make straight in the desert the paths of our God.
Luke 21:29-38
Monday, December 9 | Immaculate Conception (tr)
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Let us rejoice in the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary, let us worship her Son, Christ the Lord.
Psalms 46, 87
Isa. 61.1.10-62.5*
Ben. The Lord God said unto the serpent, ‘I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed, which shall bruise thy head, alleluia.’
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 122, 127
Zeph. 3.14-17*
Mag. Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee, blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, alleluia.
Rev. 11.19, 12.1-6, 10*
Sunday, December 8 | Advent II
7.00 Morning Prayer
Inv. venite The Lord, the King who is to come, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 38-40
Isa. 5:1-7
Ben. Behold, I send my messenger and he shall prepare the way before thy face.
7.30 Mass
9.00 Mass
11.00 Solemn Mass
17.00 Evensong and Benediction
Psalms 41-43
2 Pet. 3:11-18
Mag. Blessed art thou, O mary, for that thou hast believed and there shall be fulfilled in thee those things which were told thee from the Lord, alleluia.
Luke 7:28-35
Saturday, December 7 | Ambrose
The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church, unless otherwise noted.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, the fount of wisdom, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 35-36
Isa. 4:2-6
Ben. The learned will shine with the splendor of the firmament; and those who have instructed the multitude in justice will gleam like the stars for ever and ever.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 37
1 Thess. 4:13-18
Mag. Come, O Lord, and visit us in peace, that we may rejoice before thee in tranquility of heart.
Luke 21:5-19
Friday, December 6 | Nicholas of Myra
The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Christ,the Prince of Pastors, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 30-31
Isa. 3:8-15
Ben. It is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 32-34
1 Thess. 4:1-12
Mag. This is that faithful and wise steward, whom his Lord hath made ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due season.
Luke 20:41--21:4
Thursday, December 5 | Clement of Alexandria
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. God, who is glorified in the lives of his Saints, O come, let us worship.
Psalm 24-26
Isa. 2:12-22
Ben. He that doeth truth cometh to the light; that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 27-29
1 Thess. 3:1-13
Mag. Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
Luke 20:27-40
Wednesday, December 4 | John of Damascus
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, the fount of wisdom, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 19-21
Isa. 2:1-11
Ben. The learned will shine with the splendor of the firmament; and those who have instructed the multitude in justice will gleam like the stars for ever and ever.
9.00 Mass
12.00 Mass, Chapel
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 22-23
1 Thess. 2:13-20
Mag. Whosoever shall do and teach the commandments shall be called great in the Kingdom of heaven.
Luke 20:19-26
17.00 Rosary
Tuesday, December 3 | Francis Xavier
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. God, who is glorified in the lives of his Saints, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 15-17
Isa. 1:21-31
Ben. He that doeth truth cometh to the light; that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 18
1 Thess. 2:1-12
Mag. Well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord.
Luke 20:9-18
Monday, December 2 | Feria
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, the King who is to come, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 9-11
Isa. 1:10-20
Ben. Lift up thine eyes, O Jerusalem, and see the King in his power; lo, thy Redeemer cometh to release thee from thy chains.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 12-14
1 Thess. 1:1-10
Mag. The Angel of the Lord brought tidings to Mary and she conceived by the Holy Ghost, alleluia.
Luke 20:1-8
Sunday, December 1 | Advent I
7.00 Morning Prayer
Inv. venite The Lord, the King who is to come, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 1-5
Isa. 1:1-9
Ben. The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, O Mary, fear not, for thou shalt bear in thy womb the Son of God, alleluia.
7.30 Mass
9.00 Mass
11.00 Solemn Mass
17.00 Evensong and Benediction
Psalms 6-8
2 Pet. 3:1-10
Mag. Fear not, Mary, thou hast found favor with the Lord; behold, thou shalt conceive and bring forth a Son, alleluia.
Matt. 25:1-13
Saturday, November 30 | Andrew
The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church, unless otherwise noted.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord, the King of Apostles, O come, let us worship.
Psalms 47, 147.1-11
Ezek. 47.1-12
Ben. Hail, O precious Cross, receive a disciples of Christ my Master, even him that hung upon thee.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 147-150
Phil. 2:1-11
Mag. Behold, the Name of the Lord cometh from afar and his glory filleth all the earth.
Luke 19:41-48
Friday, November 29 | Feria
The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. The Lord is good, O come, let us bless his holy Name.
Psalms 139-140
Zech. 14:1-11
Ben. Through the tender mercy of our God, the Dayspring from on high hath visited us.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 141-143
Rom. 15:7-13
Mag. Remember thy mercy, O Lord, as thou hast promised to our forefathers.
Luke 19:28-40
Thursday, November 28 | Thanksgiving Day
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Let us come before the presence of the Lord, with thanksgiving.
Psalm 132-135
Zech. 13:1-9
Ben. Give knowledge of salvation unto thy people, O Lord, and forgive us our sins.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 136-138
Eph. 1:15-23
Mag. The Lord hath satisfied the hungry with justice and hath filled them with good things.
Luke 19:11-27
Wednesday, November 27 | Feria
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. O be joyful in the Lord, all ye lands, serve the Lord with gladness.
Psalms 120-125
Zech. 12:1-10
Ben. Let us serve the Lord in holiness all the days of our life.
9.00 Mass
12.00 Mass, Chapel
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 126-131
Eph. 1:3-14
Mag. Show strength, O God, with thine arm, scatter the proud and exalt the humble and meek.
Luke 19:1-10
17.00 Rosary