visit st timothy’s

All are most welcome to join us for worship during the week and on Sundays. St Timothy’s is tucked away in the historic neighborhood of Ardmore. Our address is 2575 Parkway Drive, which is just off Knollwood Road and between Hawthorne and Stratford.


On Sunday we have 5 opportunities for worship.

  • 7am - Morning Prayer in the Googe Chapel. This service, which lasts about 15 minutes, is not designed to be the primary worship on Sunday, but a period of quiet prayer in the earliest hours of the morning. About 5-7 people gather in the Googe Chapel for the reading of psalms, an Old Testament lesson, and prayers.

  • 7.30am - Low Mass, Rite I in the Chapel. This service is in the 1952 Chapel, which was the primary worship space for St Timothy’s until 2000. This service is spoken (no choir) in traditional language and usually concludes at 8:20. Around 25 attend this mass.

  • 9.00am - Low Mass, Rite II in the Church. This service is a celebration of the Holy Eucharist using modern language and is accompanied by the choir. A professional nursery is provided for children 3 and younger. Around 100 attend this mass.

  • 11.00am - Solemn Mass, Rite I in the Church. This service is a celebration of the Holy Eucharist using traditional language, chant, incense, and three sacred ministers (priest, deacon, and subdeacon). A choir with professional singers supports the music. A professional nursery is provided for children 3 and younger. Around 85 attend this mass.

  • 5.00pm - Evening Prayer (or Evensong) and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament in the Church. The day concludes with Evening Prayer and devotions before the Blessed Sacrament. Twice a month, members of the choir sing the prayers, making it Evensong.

  • “Mass” is an ancient term that describes the celebration of the Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion). The origins of mass are unclear, making it a word that has an exclusive church use. Pope Benedict XVI makes the case that Latin ‘missa’ comes from ‘missio’ or mission. The weekly gathering of Christians for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist is our mission.

  • A low mass is simply a celebration of the Holy Eucharist without chant and incense and without the three sacred ministers of priest, deacon, and subdeacon.

  • A Solemn Mass is a celebration of the Holy Eucharist with three sacred ministers (priest, deacon, and subdeacon) as well as incense and chant.