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Monday, January 6 | The Epiphany

8.30 Morning Prayer

Inv. Christ who hath been manifested unto us, O come, let us worship.

Psalms 30-31

Isa. 52:7-10    

Ben. Today is the Church espoused to her heavenly Bridegroom, forasmuch as in Jordan Christ hath cleansed her iniquities, Sages hasten with their offerings to the royal nuptials; and with water turned to wine the guests are regaled, alleluia.

9.00 Mass

16.30 Evening Prayer

Psalms 32-34

Rev. 21:22-27

Mag. We celebrate a holy day adorned with three wonders; the day whereon the star led the Wise Men to the manger; the day whereon water was turned to wine at the wedding feast; the day whereon Christ willed to be baptized by John in Jordan for our salvation, alleluia.

Matt. 12:14-21

18.00 Solemn Mass

January 5

Sunday, January 5 | Christmas II

January 7

Tuesday, January 7 | Feria