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The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church, unless otherwise noted.
8.30 Morning Prayer
Inv. Let us hearken unto the voice of the Lord that we may enter into his rest.
Psalms 75-77
Isa. 61:10--62:5
Ben. Guide, O Lord, our feet into the way of peace.
9.00 Mass
16.30 Evening Prayer
Psalms 78
2 Tim. 4:1-8
Mag. If thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there remembrerest that thy brother hath ought against thee, leave there thy gift and go thy way, first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift, alleluia.
Mark 10:46-52