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Sunday, August 18 | Pentecost XIII

7.00 Morning Prayer

Inv. venite O ye people of the Lord and the sheep of his pasture, come, let us worship, alleluia.

Psalm 90-92

Judges 16:15-31

Ben. I am the living Bread which came down from heaven, if any man eat of this bread, he shall live for ever.

7.30 Mass

9.00 Mass

11.00 Solemn Mass

17.00 Evening Prayer and Benediction

Psalm 93-94

2 Cor. 13:1-11

Mag.  I am come to send fire on the earth and would that it already kindled.

    Mark 5:25-34

August 17

Saturday, August 17 | Feria

August 19

Monday, August 19 | Feria