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Sunday, September 10 | Pentecost XV

7.00 Morning Prayer

Inv. O come, let us sing unto the Lord and rejoice in the God of our salvation, alleluia.

Psalm 50-52

1 Kings 12:21-33

Ben. He hath done all things well, he maketh both the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.

7.30 Mass - Chapel
9.00 Mass - Church
10.25 Rosary
11.00 Solemn Mass

17.00 Evensong and Benediction

          Psalm 53-55

Acts 4:18-31

Mag. Whosoever doth not bear his Cross and come after me, cannot be my disciple.

John 10:31-42

September 9

Saturday, September 9 | Charles Lowder

September 11

Monday, September 11 | Feria