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Thursday, December 7 | Ambrose of Milan

8.00 Morning Prayer

Inv. The Lord, the fount of wisdom, O Come, let us worship.

Psalm 35-36

Amos 4:6-13

Ben. The learned will shine with the splendor of the firmament and those who have instructed the multitude in justice will gleam like the stars for ever and ever.

8.30 Mass (gloria, creed)

16.00 Evening Prayer

Psalm 113, 147.12-20

Ecclus. 24.17-22*

Mag. All generations shall call me blessed for the that is mighty hath magnified me, alleluia.

Romans 8.28-30*

December 6

Wednesday, December 6 | Nicholas

December 8

Friday, December 8 | Immaculate Conception (Solemnity)