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Thursday, January 5 | Christmas Feria

8.00 Morning Prayer

(24-26)   Joshua 1:1-9

Inv. Unto us a child is born, Christ the Lord, O come, let us worship.

Ben. God hath visited his people and hath redeemed them.

8.30 Mass

16.00 Evening Prayer

(29, 98)   

Heb. 11:32--12:2

John 15:1-16

Mag. The Magi beholding the star, said one to another, This is the sign of a mighty King, let us go forth and seek him, and let us offer him gifts, gold and frankincense, and myrrh.

January 4

Wednesday, January 4 | Christmas Feria

January 6

Friday, January 6 | Epiphany