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Wednesday, November 22 | Cecilia

8.00 Morning Prayer

Inv. The Lord, the King of Martyrs, O come, let us worship.

Psalms 107

1 Macc. 3:42-60

Ben. Blessed be that Virgin who, denying herself and taking up her Cross, hath emulated the Lord, for he is the Spouse of Virgins and the Prince of Martyrs.

8.30 Mass

12.00 Mass (1928 BCP)

16.00 Evening Prayer

Psalm 108-109

Rev. 21:9-21

Mag. In one victim we celebrate the twin crowns of purity and piety for she both retained her virginity and won her martyrdom.

  Matt. 17:22-27

17.00 Rosary

November 21

Tuesday, November 21 | Presentation of the BVM

November 23

Thursday, November 23 | Thanksgiving Day