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Friday, August 23 | Feria

The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church.

       8.30 Morning Prayer

Inv. The Lord is good, O come, let us bless his holy Name.

Psalm 110-113

Job 2:1-13

Ben. Through the tender mercy of our God, the Dayspring from on high hath visited us.

9.00 Mass

16.30 Evening Prayer

Psalms 114-115

Acts 9:1-9

Mag. Remember thy mercy, O Lord as thou hast promised to our forefathers.

John 6:27-40

August 22

Thursday, August 22 | Queenship of the BVM

August 24

Saturday, August 24 | Bartholomew