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Saturday, August 24 | Bartholomew

The Offices of Morning and Evening Prayer are not normally said on this day in the church, but the propers are provided. Mass is said at 9am in the church.

       8.30 Morning Prayer

Inv. The Lord, the King of Apostles, O come, let us worship.

Psalm 86, 117

Gen. 28.10-17*

Ben. On the foundation stones of the holy city Jerusalem are the names of the twelve Apostles of the Lamb, and the Lamb in the light thereof.

9.00 Mass

16.30 Evening Prayer

Psalm 119.1-32

Acts 9:10-19a

Mag. Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God and blessed art thou, Simon Bar-Jona.

John 6:41-51

August 23

Friday, August 23 | Feria

August 25

Sunday, August 25 | Pentecost XIV