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Thursday, August 15 | The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

8.30 Morning Prayer

Inv. O come, let us worship the King of kings, whose Virgin Mother was this day assumed into heaven.

Psalm 98, 138, 147.1-11

Isaiah 7.10-15*

Benedicite omnia opera (p. 47)

Luke 11.27-28*

Ben. Beautiful and splendorous is the daughter of Jerusalem, who ascended like the rising sun.

9.00 Mass

16.30 Evening Prayer

Psalm 132

  Song of Solomon 2.1-7*

Mag. This day the Virgin Mary was assumed into heaven, rejoice, for with Christ she reigneth for ever!

Acts 1.6-14*

18.00 Solemn Mass

August 14

Wednesday, August 14 | Maximillian Kolbe

August 16

Friday, August 16 | Feria