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Wednesday, August 14 | Maximillian Kolbe

8.30 Morning Prayer

Inv. The Lord, the King of Martyrs, O come, let us worship.

Psalms 71-72

Judges 13:15-24   

Ben. He that hateth his life in this world, shall keep it unto life eternal.

9.00 Mass

12.00 Mass (1928 BCP), Chapel

16.30 Evening Prayer

Psalm 72

Proverbs 8.22-31*

Mag. All generations shall call me blessed, for he that is mighty hath magnified me, alleluia.

   John 19.23-27*

17.00 Rosary

August 13

Tuesday, August 13 | Jeremy Taylor

August 15

Thursday, August 15 | The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary